
How to install and use Nunjucks

The installation is easy, which follows the installation of all other packages.

npm install nunjucks

Then, you can use nunjucks below:

const nunjucks=require('nunjucks');

nunjucks.configure('views', { autoescape: true });
nunjucks.renderString('Hello {{ username }}', { username: 'Cao' });

Nunjucks can be used together with express like below:

const nunjucks=require('nunjucks');
var app = express();

nunjucks.configure('views', {
    autoescape: true,
    express: app

app.get('/', function(req, res) {

Note that you need to turn on autoescape to ensure security.


  • Variable
{{ username }}
  • Filters
{{ foo | replace("*", "#") | capitalize }}
  • Inheritance

First, you can define the following parent.njk.

{% block c %}
{% endblock %}

<section class="style1">
  {% block a %}
  {% endblock %}

<section class="style2">
  {% block b %}
  {% endblock %}

Then, you can inherit from the parent and redefine blocks.

{% extends "parent.njk" %}

{% block a %}
This is Block a!
{% endblock %}

{% block b %}
This is Block b!
{% endblock %}

The output will be as follows:

<section class="style1">
  This is Block a!

<section class="style2">
  This is Block b!

More details can be found at this document.