Assessment & Grading

Coursework involves five assignments (programming homework) and a midterm exam (no final exam). Please refer to the schedule of topics posted on the course website for key dates and deadlines.

All coursework must be done individually unless stated otherwise.

The rubric will be provided ahead of time, together with each homework/exam description, to set clear expectations.

  • The required category sets out the minimum expectation of what constitutes acceptable (passing) work. If you go through all coursework and aim to meet only the required specifications, you will pass the course with a letter grade of $C$.

  • The satisfactory category indicates a good (but not outstanding) level of achievement. You will receive a letter grade of $B$ if you meet most of the "required" and "satisfactory" specifications in all coursework.

  • The complete category signifies an exceptional level of achievement. You will earn a letter grade of $A$ if you meet most of the "required," "satisfactory," and "complete" specifications in all coursework.

The specifications in the "complete" category, for instance, build on top of those in the "satisfactory" group but are harder to achieve and require more work. So are the specs in "satisfactory" compared to the "required" section.

About $80\%$ of your final grades will be from assignments, and the remaining $20\%$ will be from the midterm exam.

In the Spring 2022 academic term, exams format is still undecided and will be announced in class.