Step 3

We can store a setting in the app state to switch between different "views."

Add the following variable to the state of the App component:

    this.state = {
+     showHomepage: true,
      notes: [ /* Data not shown to save space */ ]

Next, add the following method to the App component:

  changePage = () => {
    this.setState((state) => {
      return {
        showHomepage: !state.showHomepage,

Then, update the App.render method:

  render() {
    const { notes, showHomepage } = this.state;
    return (
        {showHomepage ? (
        ) : (
          <AddNote changePage={this.changePage} />

Notice how the showHomepage is used to "switch" between <DisplayNotes /> and <AddNote />. Moreover, note we pass the changePage method to both DisplayNotes and AddNote components as props.

Update the DisplayNotes component as follows:

  function DisplayNotes(props) {
-   const { notes, deleteNote, classes } = props;
+   const { notes, deleteNote, classes, changePage } = props;
    return (
          {, index) => {
            return <Note note={note} key={index} deleteNote={deleteNote} />;
-       <Fab aria-label={"Add"} className={classes.fab} >
+       <Fab
+         aria-label={"Add"}
+         className={classes.fab}
+         onClick={() => changePage()}
+       >
          <Add />

Update the AddNote component as follows:

- function AddNote() {
+ function AddNote(props) {
+   const { changePage } = props;
+   const handleCancel = (event) => {
+     event.preventDefault();
+     changePage();
+   }
    return (
        <FormControl fullWidth>
          <TextField label="Title" variant="outlined" />
        <FormControl fullWidth>
          <TextField label="Text" multiline rows={4} variant="outlined" />
-         <Button type="button" color="secondary" >
+         <Button type="button" color="secondary" onClick={handleCancel}>
          <Button type="submit" color="primary">

Save the files and revisit the React app: