Step 6

Let's update the app, so when a user clicks on the + button, we navigate to the /add page. Moreover, when a user clicks on the cancel button on the AddNote component, we return to the homepage.

Open the DisplayNotes.js file and import the following:

import { Link } from "react-router-dom";

Delete the onClick event handler along with any notion of changePage prop. Next, wrap the Fab component in the Link component.

<Link to="/add">
  <Fab aria-label={"Add"} className={classes.fab}>
    <Add />

The Link component is similar to the HTML anchor element (<a>).

Notice the to props which recieves a page's pathname to navigate to. You can do many interesting things with the <Link> component; please consult the documentation.

Next, open the AddNote.js file and import the following:

import { withRouter } from "react-router";

The withRouter is a higher-order component. Update the export statement as follows:

export default withRouter(AddNote);

The withRouter attaches a history object to the AddNote props. Extract it from the props object and use it to navigate to the homepage.

  function AddNote(props) {
-   const { changePage } = props;
+   const { history } = props;

    const handleCancel = (event) => {
-     changePage();
+     history.push("/");

    // The return statement not shown to save space

The history is a JavaScript object that enables interaction with the browser history API. Please consult the documentation to learn more.

Save the files and revisit the React application. Try to use the + and "cancel" buttons to navigate to different pages