QuickNote App [P.I]

In this chapter, we will start building a simple note-taking application. This app which we call QuickNote is not meant for writing a diary or keeping a journal. Nor is it intended for study notes or revision notes. Instead, the QuickNote app is designed for jotting down short notes and memos, much like what post-it notes are used for.

There is pleasure in building apps that are hyper-focused to do one thing and be good at it! Our QuickNote app will quickly load. It will not require you to log in. Open the app and write whatever plain-text notes you want. They will automatically be saved in the local storage of your browser! So, there is persistence, too; if you close the app and open it again, you will find your notes there.

We will start from scratch, from setting up the repository and ideation to continuous integration and deployment; we will take our time to complete this application in the following few chapters.