Step 10

Add the following to the end of script.js:

function handleOnClickEvent() {
  let output = document.querySelector(".output"); = "block";
  let hours = document.getElementById('hours');

  // When the zzz button is clicked, we want to record the current time;
  let now =;

  // Allow 14 minutes to fall asleep;
  let minute = 60 * 1000; // milliseconds
  now += 14 * minute;

  // Create six cycles of 90 minutes each;
  let hoursString = "";
  for (let c = 1; c <= 6; c++) {
    now += 90 * minute; // a sleep cycle passed!
    let cycle = new Date(now);
    hoursString += cycle.toLocaleTimeString([], {
      hour: "2-digit",
      minute: "2-digit",
    if (c < 6) {
      hoursString += ", ";

  // Display the cycles as suggested wake-up times.
  hours.innerText = hoursString;

The code above is what we've developed in previous lectures.

We must now add an event listener to the zzz button. You can add this anywhere after the zzz element is created. Still, perhaps it is best situated right before the zzz element is appended to root:

  let zzz = document.createElement("button");
  zzz.innerText = "zzz";
+ zzz.addEventListener("click", handleOnClickEvent);

Commit changes:

git commit -am "Add an event listener for the `zzz` button."

And with that, we have completed the SleepTime App once again! 🎉🎉