Step 3

You can access the server's header attributes from the request object (req). For example, update the route handler for /api/users and add the following snippet as the handler's first job!

  const { authorization } = req.headers;

Save the file and run the server. Then, using Postman, send a request to access /api/users and enclose the authorization token. The token must be printed to the console when the server receives this request:

Notice the authorization includes the "Bearer" keyword!

Let's use the token to authorize a user: If the user has a valid token and an "admin" role, we allow them to see the list of users. Otherwise, we will respond with 403 (Forbidden).

First, add the following function to server/util/token.js:

const decodeToken = (token) => {
  const decoded = jwt.decode(token);
  return decoded;

Make sure to export it:

  module.exports = {
+   decodeToken

Next, add the following import to server/routes/users.js:

const { verifyToken, decodeToken } = require("../util/token");

Finally, update the route handler for /api/users and add the following snippet!

  const { authorization } = req.headers;
  const [_, token] = authorization.trim().split(" ");
  const valid = await verifyToken(token);
  const user = decodeToken(token);
  if (!valid || user.role !== "ADMIN") {
    return res.status(403).json({
        "You are not authorized to access this resource.",

Save the changes. Then, using Postman, send a request to access /api/users and enclose the authorization token of a regular client(rather than an admin).

Notice the server responded with 403: Access forbidden!