Step 4

Let us implement the operations of NoteDao. Notice the functions are decorated with the aync keyword. It is typical to perform CRUD operations asynchronously.

Implement create operation as follows:

// Pre: title and text are not undefined, and title is not empty
async create({ title, text }) {
  const note = new Note(title, text);
  return note;

Note the pre-condition statement. We will deal with error handling later!

Implement update operation as follows:

// Pre: id is a valid note ID
async update(id, { title, text }) {
  const index = this.notes.findIndex((note) => note._id === id);

  if (title !== undefined) {
    this.notes[index].title = title;

  if (text !== undefined) {
    this.notes[index].text = text;

  return this.notes[index];

Implement delete operation as follows:

// Pre: id is a valid note ID
async delete(id) {
  const index = this.notes.findIndex((note) => note._id === id);
  const note = this.notes[index];
  this.notes.splice(index, 1);
  return note;

Implement read operation as follows:

// Pre: id is a valid note ID
async read(id) {
  return this.notes.find((note) => note._id === id);

Implement readAll operation as follows:

async readAll(query = "") {
  if (query !== "") {
    return this.notes.filter(
      (note) => note.title.includes(query) || note.text.includes(query)
  return this.notes;

Notice the readAll takes in an optional query parameter to facilitate searching among the notes.

Save and commit the changes.