Step 7

To validate the card number, we will take a modular approach and delegate the validation to another function.

function handleFormSubmit(event) {

  const month = document.getElementById("month").value;
  const year = document.getElementById("year").value;
  if (new Date() > new Date(year, month)) {
    window.alert("Your card is expired!");

  const cvv = document.getElementById("cvv").value;
  if (!/^[0-9]{3,4}$/.test(cvv)) {
    window.alert("Invalid CVV. It must be 3 or 4 digits!");

+ const cnumber = document.getElementById("cnumber").value;
+ if (!isValid(cnumber)) {
+   window.alert("Invalid card number!");
+   return;
+ }

  window.alert("Thanks for the payment!");

+ function isValid(cnumber) {
+  return true;
+ }

Next, we will implement the isValid function.